PinnedDocker Containers on RISC-V ArchitectureContainers are part of the vast majority of daily interactions with software and the cloud these days. From building applications in a…Jun 23, 2019262Jun 23, 2019262
Creating and Editing patches for the Linux Kernel with gitThere’s a lot of posts and references about submitting patches to the Linux kernel or projects that receive patches in file/email format.Sep 1, 20214Sep 1, 20214
SolidRun HoneyComb/Clearfog ARM Workstation Up-and-runningThis post is a guide on getting up-and-running with the SolidRun LX2K based boards installing the Firmware and Linux.Jul 13, 202171Jul 13, 202171
Using Xilinx Open Source FPGA Toolchain on Docker ContainersIn this post I’ll explore a bit the Open Source toolchain for Xilinx Series 7 FPGAs and will focus the Artix 7.Apr 23, 2021161Apr 23, 2021161
Adding support to a new FPGA board on Chisel sample project using FuseSocThis post originated from a live-tweed. The thread can be seen at 14, 20212Apr 14, 20212
IBM POWER9 Preliminary Benchmarks after CVE-2020–4788 mitigationsMuch is being talked about the latest vulnerability mitigations on L1 cache for IBM POWER processors addressed in CVE-2020–4788.Nov 21, 2020Nov 21, 2020
Adding authentication to Kubernetes app using Keycloak and the new oauth2-proxyAs a follow-up post to my previous post about adding authentication transparently to an applicationNov 11, 2020413Nov 11, 2020413
Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization in nested VMware vSphereIn this post, I'll go thru the process of running Virtual Machines on OpenShift Virtualization in a nested setup inside VMware vSphere…Oct 14, 202015Oct 14, 202015
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX BenchmarksI recently received a NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX board to review and write some posts. The first one is an unofficial guide to upgrade Ubuntu…Jul 3, 202023Jul 3, 202023
Upgrading your NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX to latest Ubuntu Focal Fossa (20.04)I recently received a NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX unit to review and write about some use cases like a local development computer and cloud…Jun 11, 2020246Jun 11, 2020246
Adding authentication to your Kubernetes Web applications with KeycloakI will walk you thru the deployment of Keycloak, a user authentication and authorization tool and integrating into your web application.Mar 2, 20205Mar 2, 20205
Instrumenting your Go distributed application for tracing with JaegerRecently I've been reading about application observation and got fascinated with Jaeger Tracing and the benefits tracing brings to…Oct 7, 2019Oct 7, 2019
Hardkernel Odroid N2 Review and benchmarksI recently received from Hardkernel an Odroid N2 SBC. A new board replacing the previous N1 that got cancelled. I got the Odroid N2 board…May 7, 20195May 7, 20195
Cross building ARM64 images on Docker DesktopJust recently on Dockercon 2019, Docker announced a great feature from their ARM partnership. Now it's possible to cross-build Docker…May 1, 20192May 1, 20192
Comparing JVMs with SPECjvm2008 on ARM64As a follow-up article to my first Java benchmarks on ARM and inspired by an article link I received on Twitter, I wanted to run the…Feb 15, 2019Feb 15, 2019
Building a hybrid x86–64 and ARM Kubernetes ClusterSince my last article where I built an ARM Kubernetes cluster composed of Rock64 boards, I got some new ARM SBCs with powerful RK3399 CPUs…Jan 29, 20192Jan 29, 20192
Java Benchmarks on ARM64For a while I’ve been looking for a way to do some synthetic benchmarks for multiple Java JVM versions and vendors on my ARM SBCs since I…Jan 15, 2019Jan 15, 2019
Setting-up a development environment on LattePanda Alpha with Windows 10Windows 10 dev environment for your languages, Linux, Docker, editor and console.Nov 8, 2018Nov 8, 2018
Deploying multiple Traefik Ingresses with LetsEncrypt HTTPS certificates on KubernetesAs detailed on my first article, I’ve set an architecture for Kubernetes to be as similar to “production” as possible even being run on…May 2, 20184May 2, 20184
Log aggregation with ElasticSearch, Fluentd and Kibana stack on ARM64 Kubernetes clusterThis article was updated on 18/jan/2019 to reflect the updates on the repository, images to 6.5.4 and support to multi-arch cluster…Apr 18, 20184Apr 18, 20184